Henna For Hair Growth Photo Picture Images Biography 2013
Natural Hair Growth Remedies
Henna for Hair
Whether your are using henna for hair or skin it is a powerful dye with conditioning properties. In addition to being used to dye hair, henna is a hair growth remedy; it has many properties that benefit natural hair. When henna is applied it puts a protective coating on the hair. Most people find that their strands are thicker and stronger. Here I am referring to pure henna, many products that are labeled "henna hair color" are actually full of chemicals that can damage the hair. Stick with a trusted brand like Jamila or Reshma, or buy it from a trusted natural herb supplier.
Some benefits of henna for hair:
Stronger strands/less breakage
Balance hair porosity
Reduces or eliminates dandruff
Smooths hair cuticle giving hair a healthy appearance
Thickens hair
Promotes growth due to antibacterial and antifungal properties
Less shedding
Some people report that henna loosens their curl pattern, I would not consider this a benefit but some people henna for this reason
Now I have to share that there are some risks with using henna on your hair. Please do a strand test before applying. Henna can cause brittleness and breakage for some people. I prefer to only use henna when added to a moisturizing conditioner. You should not use ANY products containing protein following a henna conditioner or you may experience severe breakage. Henna acts like a protein, strengthening the hair, so adding a protein to henna will most likely lead to brittle hair.
How I use henna - I add henna to my conditioner. I mix the henna with water, then add it into a moisturizing conditioner. I allow the henna to sit on my hair from 1-4 hours. Some of the dye deposits onto my hair some and I receive the conditioning properties without the breakage. I personally think women with coarse hair strands, or very dense/thick hair need to be careful about using henna. It may actually make your hair more difficult to manage. If you want to henna your natural hair please do a strand test first and try a less potent formula like adding a bit to your conditioner before you commit to doing a full treatment.
Why I use henna- I used henna to reduce post-partum shedding and I truly believe it work. My edges did thin out but using henna has helped them fill back in nicely. My hair also just seemed fragile to me after the baby and it looked dull. I used the henna to help strengthen and revive my hair. I thought I was going to have to do a major cut but I think the combination of henna and amla got my hair back on track.
My first henna for hair experience was horrible. I want to share the good and the bad so hopefully you don't make the same mistakes. I will NEVER do a full henna hair treatment again. It is messy and it dried my hair out.
I gave henna another try but this time I added it to my conditioner. This time my hair looked and felt great! It helped thicken up my edges and strengthen my strands. I use
Henna For Hair Growth Photo Picture Images Biography 2013
Henna For Hair Growth Photo Picture Images Biography 2013

Henna For Hair Growth Photo Picture Images Biography 2013
Henna For Hair Growth Photo Picture Images Biography 2013
Henna For Hair Growth Photo Picture Images Biography 2013
Henna For Hair Growth Photo Picture Images Biography 2013
Henna For Hair Growth Photo Picture Images Biography 2013
Henna For Hair Growth Photo Picture Images Biography 2013

Henna For Hair Growth Photo Picture Images Biography 2013

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