Pure Henna For Hair Photo Images Biography 2013
Why do some boxes of "colored henna" have no declaration of ingredients?Some countries where these products are initially manufactured do not have laws requiring the declaration of ingredients in cosmetics. So, they can put anything they want in that box and they don't have to tell you what's in it. If someone in the USA imports these mixes, they are not required by law to go back and discover what's in the bulk mix that was passed through customs marked as "henna", and they don't have to declare it on their package. This is how a company can have a dozen "colors of henna" from blonde to black, and sell them without listing their ingredients .. and they usually do. The person selling the product may have no idea what's in the box, or they may know and not want to tell you. If its a box of hair dye that claims to be henna and it claims to dye hair something other than red, and the powder inside is not green ... it is NOT HENNA. Many products labeled "herbal henna" actually contain para-phenylenediamine. If you're allergic to chemical hair dye and you use "herbal henna" you may to have an allergic reaction to the chemicals in it. The claim of "no ammonia, no peroxide, all natural" does not mean you're getting safe, pure henna.
You can add other plant dyes to henna to create hair dye colors:
Mixtures with other plant dyes with henna, to create other dye colors, are called “henna rangs”.
Indigo, Indigofera tinctoria
Is a plant that produces a dark violet blue dye, which we are familiar with as the color used to dye blue jeans. Indigo can be used with henna to dye cloth and hair from brown to pure black, depending on the proportions of henna and indigo. Though you can use indigo to dye skin blue, you cannot dye skin black with indigo.
Want to know more? http://www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/med-aro/factsheets/INDIGO.html
Woad, Isatis tinctoria
Woad is a plant that had a blue dye, and it is also used to dye hair. It is more dye fast in hair than indigo, but it does not create the vivid blue-black. You can use woad to dye skin blue, but you also cannot dye skin black with woad.
Want to know more? http://www.botgard.ucla.edu/html/botanytextbooks/economicbotany/Isatis/
Walnut, Juglans regia
The leaves, or green walnut shells from walnuts can be combined with henna to create brown hair dye. Walnut dye is juglone, 5-hydroxy-1.4-napthoquinone. This is a larger molecule than henna. It is not a long-lasting dye in hair, so is usually used with henna. . Many people are allergic to walnut! Walnut is often mixed into henna powder for skin. It makes a very fast dark stain, but it does not penetrate as deeply as henna, and is far more likely to cause skin irritation or an allergic reaction.
Want to know more? http://www.uga.edu/fruit/walnut.htm
Cassia obovata
Many “neutral henna” products are actually cassia obovata. There is no henna that is “neutral” just as there is no henna that is “black. Its dyes are anthraquinones, and also has flavonoids and resins” Cassua dyes a blonde-gold color, and “thickens” hair.
Want to know more? http://www.botanical.com/botanical/mgmh/s/senna-42.html
Catechu, Ourouparia gambir and Acacia catechu
Catechu is from two different species, Ourouparia gambir and Acacia Catechu. Ourouparia gambir makes a yellow dye, and Acacia catechu makes a dark brown dye. These are tannin dyes. Extracted tannins from these dye plants are added to henna to create other various shades of henna, blondes, browns, and dark browns.
Want to know more? http://www.ibiblio.org/herbmed/eclectic/sayre/acacia-cate.html
Pure Henna For Hair Photo Images Biography 2013
Pure Henna For Hair Photo Images Biography 2013
Pure Henna For Hair Photo Images Biography 2013

Pure Henna For Hair Photo Images Biography 2013
Pure Henna For Hair Photo Images Biography 2013
Pure Henna For Hair Photo Images Biography 2013

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